Saturday, February 16, 2008


Clinton: Determined to be the xxxxxxxxxxxObama: Determined to be the First
First woman elected PresidentxxxxxxxxxxxxxBlack elected President

ill be the extHillaryClinton Senator Hillary Clinton seeks to become First Woman elected to White House and Senator Barack Obama will be the First Black elected President of the United States in case he will win 2008 Presidential election.

Just checking the news today, Polls shows that they are the top contenders for Democratic Party's presidential nominations. Which Democrat would be more competitive? Which candidate would fare better against likely Republican nominee John McCain?

The first caucus was held here in Iowa, Obama won. But Clinton captured the biggest prizes, California, her hometown New York and Massachusetts. She also got New Hampshire and Nevada.

On their Super Tuesday showdown, Obama won 13 states: Georgia, Illinois, Delaware, Alabama, North Dakota, Utah, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Colorado, Idaho, Alaska and Missouri , some of them smaller, and Clinton won eight: California, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Arizona.

Well, I'm not really into politics and I'm not voting here ( got a woman President already in my homeland). I remember Hillary Clinton only for her controversial issues while she is the First Lady of Billy, whereas his Second Lady working with them in the White House. And her performance as Head of a White House task force to reform the U.S. Health care system is not remarkable. More controversial issues was her role in Whitewater Land deal, and her vote to authorize Military Intervention in Iraq.

As for Obama, Ophra Winfrey can get people(lot of fans) vote for him, she even raised million of dollars for Obama's campaign. She even draws big crowd here in Iowa, (knowing not a lot of blacks in here) during their campaign here. How important are endorsements? Especially from a celebrity who talks to millions of people a week in her top-rated daytime talk show in television, publishes a weekly magazine and has a radio show. It's proven whatever she suggests or says, people will do , unbelievably influential figure.

Of course, (since I don't know about politics here) first time I hear his name (Obama),being one letter off from US #1 terrorist, (i know its silly, is it only me?), its like Osama . So, I thought Americans will not like him, but surprisingly, he is leading the caucuses now, Hillary needs to get more percentage to be able to cope up with Obama's figure. But what's in a name, it is really that simple Muslim sounding name in it? I was exposed to a Muslim environment 3 years of my life aware of the words and names of Muslims, his full name is Barrack Hussein Obama, its so interesting. I have a lot of Muslim friends by the name of Hussein, Barrack, Osama, etc. working in King Fahd Hospital in Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

Just curious though, so I thought I'd look more into his Muslim/Islamic background if any. He was born mixed with a white mother and black father, they got divorced and his mom married a radical muslim man, he attended Muslim School in Jakarta (another Muslim solid country). According to sources, his stepdad introduced him to Wahabism, its the radical teachings of the Muslim terrorist?

I am not sure if its true but when he was sworn into office, he did not use Bible instead use Koran, and turns his back to the US Flag?(this is not from me, hehehe, just hear it from others). Just very intrigued to find this info, but no matter what his background, his color, the point is, not all Christians are Christ and not all Muslims are terrorists! don't look at religion, thinks about what person has accomplished and also are they making promises that are realistic.

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