Friday, March 21, 2008

Little episode of my life in Saudi-as a woman

Well, I'm a person who had experienced life transition situation many times, and its always not easy. You have to be able to cope up with the cultural differences of communication and cultural differences. I spent 3 years of my life in a completely different culture in a country where religion serve as their constitution.
As an overseas contract worker, being warned not to bring pork, pornography, Bibles, crucifixes and the obvious ingredients of home-made alcohol into the country did not come as a surprise. The country is devoid of public entertainment, cinemas and club. There are some fine restaurants but with the strict seating area for single men and families, single women are not allowed in any restaurants unaccompanied. For women, in public you are required to wear their traditional islamic female dress (see the photo above), a black cloak-like affair called the abaya, which masks any resemblance of a women form/shape from male onlookers. For some stricter city like Gassim, all women including non-muslim required to put cover on face, with only the eyes is visible.
If you're imagining right now, just picture the image of a ninja warrior, that's exactly how they will look like, with those all black dress covered from head to foot. Note also that you have to cover your hair too with scarf. It's not easy for me, especially during the extreme heat season of the country. NO matter what, you have to wear their national dress, even in an emergency situation.
One time, at my work, I was in a rush to get an in-patient for physical therapy. The Physical Therapist instructed me to get the patient exactly in time, because the Male patient will use the gym(remember male and female should always separate) in about 30 mins. The patient I was about to get is already in her patient's gown. But because she will be getting outside from her ward, she needs to put on her abaya and black face mask which will take 15 minutes to put on, oh my gash, I wish female patients will be exempted from wearing this because time is important in a hospital. What if there is a fire or in a between life and death situation?, I think female there is scared not to break the law, they will still wear their masks and abaya. Ok, were done with what women wear in Saudi.
Let's just put everything together:
Women in Saudi aren't allowed to drive.
They aren't allowed to go to public place with a man that aren't their husband. If the mutawa (their religious authorities) caught you with a man and you can't show any marriage papers, you will be jailed.
Women in Saudi can't vote.
They are not allowed to go to football matches.
Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to try on clothes in shops and malls.
They can hardly work.
With all of the above, why do they even have to exist in Saudi Arabia? why not just simply send all females to the neighboring countries and change the name of the country to the The land of Males.
Are they allowed to breath?


Always On Watch said...

Excellent post! You've got the situation pegged.

I love that last line, BTW.

Gigi said...

there's still more than that, it;s only icing on the cake, i really want to expose the much much worst situation women agonizing for years, i had talked to one that want to convert her religion to be totally free.

i love your blogs, BTW

Gigi said...

thanks for reading.