Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Are you an internet addict?

As the internet increasingly becomes part of our daily lives, I am hooked and can't stay away from the web. As I wake up in the morning, first thing I will do is turn on the PC, forgetting about breakfast.(If I do eat breakfast, I will be eating at the front of the monitor, lol). That's my routine, before going to work, check my email, chat with friends, check my forum, and now my blog. And also, there were important things like paying bills online, sending money online, credit card payment and checking bank statement online. I can't resist being away from the net even for one day. Worst, I spend like, 36 hours a week or 6 hours/day in the internet. 2 hours in the morning before going to work and like 3 or 4 hours after work. I can't even cook a good meal at night for supper, choosing easy to cook meals, so that I can have time for the internet while cooking. Oh, my, I think something wrong with me now. I have lost interest with the thing I am interested too before, and worst, I can't even socialize now, when friends invited me to go out.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAt the hotel, using computer while on trip

Sometimes, my husband will ask me if I want to go at the bar with him, which I will decline because I want more time in the computer. There was a time that he was on a military related trip and I was left home by myself, I sat for hours until the wee hours of the morning dinking on the computer. My husband does complain, I don't think I give him much attention lately. It's from him that I hear the first time the word, "internet addict". "Your an intenet addict now". And lately from marge , joking she's an addict coz her many blogs really amazes me. Well, she is an internet addict who has a job which requires her to be online for the whole part of the day. Now, I'm alarmed, by these signs, I think I am really an addict and will definitely jeopardize some important things in my life. My relationships with husband? my friends who is not into computer? my health (skipping the right time for meals).
So, I took time to take the "internet addiction test" and I got 85, huh, huh. I found out that there is this thing as internet addiction disorder, although theres no research that has established yet if its a disorder. I will have to do something to overcome my addiction, here are some ways that I think will help:
  • First thing in the morning, I will have a bowl of cereal and read my newspaper like I used to, before the Internet.
  • I will eat breakfast with a knife and fork and not with one hand typing. (trying hard to make this, huh, huh
  • Gotta clean the house, do the laundry , cook dinner before thinking of the internet.
  • I will take time to write letter to my friends and family who are internet-deprived or not into computer thing.
  • I will call someone on the phone who I cannot contact via the Internet.
  • I will read a book...if I still remember how.
  • I will not be tempted during TV commercials to check for email.
  • I will try to go to the bar with my husband even once a week.
  • Lastly, I will remember that I must go to bed sometime...and the Internet will always be there tomorrow!

Still, I will use my internet time in blogging and do the important things,(paying, banking, sending money). Anyway, Internet is still very important in our daily lives if we don't abuse it. Always use moderately.

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