Friday, February 29, 2008

It's leap day

Today is a leap year day- an extra day added to the month of February in a leap year. Well, it occurs every four years in a year evenly divisible by four except for centenary years not divisible by 400.

Just some interesting tidbits about leap day and leap year: this month has five Fridays. Did you know that this last happened in 1980 and will happen again in 2036? A leap day is more likely to occur on Mondays or Wednesdays rather than other days because the Gregorian calendar repeats itself every 400 years. Therefore, every 400 years, Feb. 29 can occur times on a Monday or Wednesday, 14 times on a Friday or Saturday and 13 times on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday. I have a friend who celebrates her birthday today- leap year. When friendly folks ask how old she is, her answers, confuses them. She'll tell them "I'm 8 --and 32". Since its leap year, she will put 8 candles on her cake, its her actual birthday anyway. If its not leap year, she chose to celebrate it after the 29th which is March 1st, the reason is she get paid on the first of the month, lol.

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